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Learn JS Data

Data cleaning, manipulation, and wrangling in JavaScript

Getting Started

About Tasks

This guide is broken up into a number of tasks, which we can think of as little modules or recipes.

Each task tries to encapsulate a concrete lesson around common data manipulation and analysis processes. Tasks attempt to be self-contained and stay focused on the, well, task at hand.

This guide was built with for client side data processing (in the browser), but can easily be used in a server side (Node) application with a bit of tweaking. Check out the analyzing data with Node section for the details.

Why D3?

D3.js is largely known for its data visualization capabilities - and for good reason. It is quickly becoming the de facto standard for interactive visualization on the web.

Its core feature of binding data to visual representations happens to require a lot of manipulation of said data. Thus, while this toolkit is focused around visualization, it is well suited for data processing as well!

And, a typical output for data manipulation is at least some sort of visualization of that data, in which case you are all ready to go.

Why lodash?

Lodash is fast, popular, and fills in some holes in D3's processing features. Plus, it's functional style and chaining capabilities make it work well alongside D3.

Code Snippets

There are a bunch of useful snippets in this guide. Here is an example:

var theMax = d3.max([1,2,20,3]);
=> 20
This code is using d3.js

We use a little arrow, =>, to indicate output from a code snippet. This same output you can view by opening the console of your favorite web browser.

Snippets in this guide that are not pure JavaScript will be marked with the libraries used to make them work.

Preparing Your Site for Data Processing

To get started using these tools for your data processing, you are going to want to include them in your html file along with a JavaScript file to perform the analysis.

I typically download these scripts and include local copies in my page. To do this, you would want to have your HTML look something like this:

<!doctype html>

<script src='js/d3.js'></script>
<script src='js/lodash.js'></script>
<script src='js/analysis.js'></script>

analysis.js would be where your analysis code goes. I put them at the end of the body - just so that if there is other content on the page, it won't be delayed in loading. Typically, I name this file index.html - so that its loaded automatically as the root page.

Running a Local Server

D3's functions for reading data require you be running the page from a server. You can do this on your own machine by running a local server out of the root directory of your site.

There are many options for easy-to-spin-up web servers:

Lately, I have been using that last option - http-server. If you have Node and npm installed, you can grab the required package by installing it from the command line:

npm install -g http-server

(The -g flag stands for global - which allows you to access http-server from any directory on your machine.

Then cd to your analysis directory and start it up!

cd /path/to/dir

In your web browser, open up and you should be ready to go!

Next Task

Reading in Data

See Also